Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I am losing my mind...

If anybody knows me, they know very well I hold a prejudice against people that are obese. They have an unapologetic attitude towards everything. Sure, not all obese people are this way, but most of them have this "cater to me" type of attitude that really just sets me off. Their diets consist of unhealthy foods, generally consumed in portions that are unnecessary, and of course they are lazy. I could go on and on about the cons of obese people, I honestly could, but just try living with one. Most obese people have immediate family that are also obese...no surprises. People who are fit, or in shape, do not...no surprises. I am currently living with one of the fattest people i have ever met in my life. I can only think of 2 other people that I personally know that are fatter than him. And the 2 fat people I know are the kindest, sweetest dudes I know. I am just venting. But, next time you see a fat person think of two specific questions. "Why is there a condiment stain on that fat persons shirt?" and "Man, add this shit up...obesity is wasting so many materials on a mass scale!"

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wanda Sykes...

Who fucking cares? Everything she said was well deserved. You wouldn't hear Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Mark Levin say anything about Pat Robertson when he says something completely out of line. Natural Light drinking, Audioslave listening, pro life, ass backwards morons just can't fathom what is going on. The religion they love, fail to keep, and 'practice' in their mind is in risk of being stolen. Ugh, I can't even think clearly I am so mad. I will come to this at another time.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We aren't living in the end times...

Before I left for Tulsa I was arguing with a friend of mine over politics. He believes babies shouldn't go unborn, Jesus is his savior, was home schooled, loves guns, and so forth. He thinks Obama sucks. And maybe Obama does suck. We don't know yet. My friend is a firm believer that Obama wants to turn our country into a socialist nation. Well, the definition of socialism is surely losing its integrity these days isn't it? A 3 percent income tax hike isn't exactly what I call socialism. He had some things that I could agree on though, that Obama wants 18-24 year olds to serve mandatory community service or in the military. I think that is very Hitler esque in my opinion. And I'm not exactly against having guns either. But the problem with people like my buddy is that their world view is parallel with post-davidian Christian beliefs. When I was growing up in church there was always a sermon once every 2 months about the END TIMES!!! The book of Revelation. Any natural disaster, school shooting, or any other media frenzy exaggeration was used as semi-proof of end times and how we are living in them. Now, if you love unborn babies, owning more than 1 fiream, Jesus, and America, there is a good chance your aren't taking it easy when your gun rights are threatened, or any of the previously mentioned things you love. I'm not going to act like I love Obama and he is right on everything. I'm not necessarily sure some things are going to work. Despite the fact I am fiscal conservative, I think some things on the economy may go smoothly. The auto-industry make over, creating jobs to produce clean energy, more tax breaks for the less fortunate, and reducing health care costs go almost hand in hand with how I roll...so we will see. As for social issues...Obama is my man. Keep killing babies (haha), lets get these gays married so they'll just shut the fuck up, let gays adopt, legalize all drugs, and protect our borders (I doubt Obama doing this, John McCain wanted to grant all illegals amnesty so fuck the world, right?) those are some things I would like to see in 4-8 years. I think with a Democratic controlled congress we might see the legalization of drugs in the country. Who knows? As far as gun rights...the government putting restrictions on your firearms isn't something I necessarily agree with it, but chill the fuck out. If you want to keep your firearms, be responsible and don't go shooting the black dude running the show...that isn't responsible firearm ownership. Fuck it, I'm done with this.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Swine Flu Mexican Children

Today was horrendous. 9 hours of this. I'm in Tulsa, OK in a Super 8...not exactly sure if I like Tulsa. Tulsa kinda seems depressed. The downtown area is shady. Now I'm getting moved around to another room. Fuck this. Ugh. jalkdfjaklfja;ld

It is only fitting...

that I received a phone call from an old friend from my days with Covenant today. His name is Tony. He's about 50 years old, sweet old black dude from Detroit. We broke the rules one night with a couple of other drivers and took a cab to a local bar in Tennessee. There was karoke (sp) there that night and we song Strawberry Letter 23...surprisingly it was the original by Shuggie Otis and not the more popular version by The Brothers Johnson. The bridge that contains "ohh ohh ohh's" are slightly different thus our unison wasn't on point...but who cares. It is just funny I guess. Ready to embark on a new adventure and life throw's some flashbacks to get me ready. The St. Louis greyhound sucks. Greyhound sucks. Everybody who rides it sucks. Last time on my way home from Louisville I sat across from a young man (had to be about 19 or 20) and his pregnant around the same age girlfriend. Dude actually had "Juggalo" in Old English tattooed across his neck. We got into downtown St. Louis and woke his girlfriend up...he said, "Look baby!! ST. LOUIS!! It is so pretty..." FML

Friday, May 1, 2009

Off to Arrow!

I am starting a new job Monday with Arrow Trucking Company. I will be posting videos and photos and of course many many stories! Hope to find you visiting me!